
Hand Balancing for the Bodyweight Athlete Video


Improve your Flow with hand balancing practice! Hand Balancing for the Bodyweight Athlete, by Animal Flow creator Mike Fitch, provides a progressive program designed to help you master advanced hand balancing disciplines regardless of your current skill level. The key to handstand push-ups, single-arm handstands, and planche training is to start at the beginning. This video takes you through each step allowing you to work at your own pace and progress as your ability improves.

Includes 5 chapters providing more than 1 hour 45 minutes of instructional content. Chapters include: Warm-Ups; Gymnastics Style; Breakdancing; Parallel Bars; and Parallettes.

Video links provided for immediate download; optional DVDs also available. The video also includes 2 free bonus videos created by Gold Medal Bodies exclusively for customers who purchase this video!

SKU: AF-VID-HB Category:


Improve your Flow with hand balancing practice! Hand Balancing for the Bodyweight Athlete by Animal Flow creator Mike Fitch, provides a progressive program designed to help you master advanced hand balancing disciplines regardless of your current skill level.

Are you ready to challenge gravity?

Hand balancing moves are an incredible display of strength, skill, and body mastery, and YOU can master the advanced discipline. The key to handstand push-ups, single-arm handstands, and planche training is to start at the beginning. This video takes you through each step allowing you to work at your own pace and progress as your ability improves.

  • Five chapters providing more than 1 hour 45 minutes of instructional content.
  • eDownloads available immediately in multiple formats: in HD mov; SD mov; or MP4
  • Includes two free bonus videos created by Gold Medal Bodies exclusively for customers who purchase this video! Available for immediate download.

Five Chapters Include:

GBT video

  • Wrist Mobilizations and Activations
  • Gymnastics: Build your foundation by progressing through the whole series, starting the most regressed Floor Pike Push-Ups, moving on to Wall-Assisted techniques, and working up to Freestanding Handstand Push-Ups. You’ll also learn the basics of safety, spotting, and conditioning.
  • Breakdancing: Now that you’ve mastered your basics, it’s time to add some flare! Start with some low level freezes (like the Turtle and Baby), progress through the mid level freezes (think Air Baby and Headstands), and end up in the high level freezes (Fishtails and Pikes!)
  • Parallettes: Get serious on the parallettes, covering both straight-arm and bent-arm moves.
  • Parallel Bars: Take your skills outside onto parallel bars, learning Swings, Press-Ups and Trunk moves.
  • DOWNLOAD the list of exercises included in each section


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    If you aren’t satisfied with the video, we will refund your money for up to 30 days. You must return the DVD to receive a refund on that portion of your purchase.

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eVideo (download only) $89.95, DVD (includes eVideos) $99.95


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